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reviewed The forgetting moon by Brian Lee Durfee (The five warrior angels -- book 1)

Brian Lee Durfee: The forgetting moon (2016) 3 stars

In the last unconquered kingdom of Gul Kana, where the eldest son of the fallen …


1 star

I hate to hate on a book too much, because I understand how hard it is to finish one and get it published...but this book was one of the only books I have ever stopped reading once I got past the 50% mark (this one I stopped less than 100 pages from the end because my faith that it would get better just never happened the next books are even longer than this one).

The characters were mid-level unlikeable across the board; not a single female character was believable at all (I'm not even saying it failed the B test, it did, but mainly the female characters feel like they were written by a 15 year old boy who has never spent time with a girl).

The plot was all over the place; with people who are supposed to be the best warrior in blah and blah getting their butts …

finished reading Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree (Legends & Lattes, #1)

Travis Baldree: Legends & Lattes (Paperback, 2022, Tor Books) 4 stars

Worn out after decades of packing steel and raising hell, Viv the orc barbarian cashes …

Amazing book. Never thought I would enjoy a Cozy, but this was definitely an eye opener and I love it dearly, even the "bad" guys were enjoyable and sympathetic (well, obviously not two specific bad guys, but everyone else).

Glen Cook: Sweet Silver Blues (Garrett Files) (1990, Roc) 4 stars

Review of 'Sweet Silver Blues (Garrett Files)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was so much fun. So, I know (and love) Glen Cook from the Black Company. This is the first time I've ventured out of his dark and gritty stuff and it is so much better. This was such an amazing mix of noir detective story and fantasy tropes that I think I smiled through the entire thing and read it in 2 sittings.

The main character is a PI who takes a simple (at first) job from a bunch of gnomes to go and track down a guy's old flame and get her to appear before the family to either accept the bloke's inheritance or sign off on giving it away.

This turns into a traipse across a warzone, jolly troll hirelings, a vegetarian half-elf killer for hire, a long dead and rotting corpse wiseman, two gnomish femme-fetales, suger high garden fae, centaurs, vampires, city clerks (the most difficult …

Review of 'City of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

OH Lord, what to say. WOD, so much memory tied into you and so much nostalgia that keeps getting trashed. This book has so much going against it: It's rpg fiction which means it is usually written by fans or staff writers. It's an anthology which often means it is hit or miss as well. It's WoD which means it's filled with angst and pseudo-goth diatribes.

This is the first book in a long time that I completely gave up on. I tried to read 4 of the stories and then skimmed another 3. The number of trite tropish non-since is baffling to me at 40+. I know that I was never much into the wider WOD scene back in the day and kind of thought most people who were were a bit.... silly. I loved the system and it has had a huge impact on my gaming life, and …

Review of 'Suicide Attack (C.a.D.S., No 9)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

After the last fiasco (ie paperback #3 the unseen piece of garbage) I decided to hand pick the next book. This one got the nod. So a bit of history first: this was one of my favorite series as a kid in the 90s when nuclear Armageddon was still fresh in our fears. 30 years late and I can still enjoy this book, though its views on women, minorities, and science make it a little less lustrous than it once was. This is a book that you will have fun with if you can set aside modern sensibilities.

7' tall armored spacesuits brimming with weapons walking the nuclear husk of America killing any and all Russians that come within view. That's.... kind of the entire synopsis of this whole series.

Rear Cover Synopsis "After the fall of the American Ayatollahs as foretold in 'Stranger in …

Review of "Methuselah's Children" on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Oh Heinlein... how complicated my life with you has been.

I wasn't even sure how to rate this one, much like the trouble I have rating any Heinlein book that I have read in the past decade. His stuff just... hasn't aged well. Would I recommend this to anyone? The way I see it, if you haven't read this you fall into one of two camps: 1) You are either Heinlein fan or a fan of this period of science fiction and it's on your list to read, OR 2) You wouldn't be interested in this.

This is not a good book. Even by Heinlein standards this isn't a great book. It's short and I sloughed through it at an extremely rapid pace so I guess that's a merit? There is enough pseudo-psychology/sociology in this thing to drown a grad student. Heinlein loves his pseudo-sociology and he definitely had some …