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Kirk Moodey

Joined 2 years, 6 months ago

I am interested in natural philosophy, I dislike spirituality and woo intensely.

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Jakob Schwichtenberg: Physics from Symmetry (Paperback, 2018, Springer) 5 stars

Did you ever wonder what the obsession is with symmetry in physical law?

5 stars

Really good, but it will be difficult to parse or get full use of if you don't have some background. I recommend for the layman as precursors/supplements 'A Very Gentle Guide to General Relativity', 'The Theoretical Minimum' series, and a book on the basics of quantum field theory for students or gifted amateurs. I also recommend looking up Noether. A book to consider as well is Penrose's Road To Reality, for its discussion of quantum gravity.

Jeremy Gray: Simply Riemann (Paperback, 2020, Simply Charly) 5 stars

Nice little math/history book

5 stars

Doesn't assume too much of the reader, although if you don't even know the basics (like what a variable is) or dislike math it might not be book for you. If you have any curiosity in your soul at all, you should want to know a little bit about Riemann. He was an important precursor to Einstein's work, among other things, the most famous being the Riemann hypothesis regarding the mystery of primes, which appear to have a hidden symmetry in their randomness.

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reviewed The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka: The Metamorphosis (1972, Bantam Books) 4 stars

The Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung) is a novella written by Franz Kafka which was first …

Review of 'The Metamorphosis' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A heartwarming story about a man who is turned into a giant bug and loses his family, realizing at last that they don't need him and he is free to go. Unfortunately, he doesn't find a giant bug girlfriend, nor does he eat anyone alive.

edit: More seriously, this is a difficult short story to understand if you don't read very, very carefully. I'm usually not one for hidden meaning in texts as I like bluntness, but there are all sorts of details that will go over the average reader's head, such as the meaning of the woman in fur being a reference to the guy who the word 'masochism' is coined after. You also have to keep in mind the transformation of society's view of animal life - Darwin was still a relatively 'new' and big deal in philosophical circles, and metamorphosis was one of the ways of referring …

C. S. Lewis: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Paperback, 1995, Scholastic) 4 stars

They open a door and enter a world.

NARNIA... the land beyond the wardrobe, the …

some people have a weird insistence that all stories agree with them

4 stars

I happened to rather enjoy this book as a child, despite being an atheist. Sure, it has some flaws (especially in the later books if I recall), and it has a lot of very obvious references to religion, but I genuinely don't get people who need books and their authors to agree with them on every single point. What's the point of hopping into other worlds if they only resemble what you personally think the world is like? Go read a nonfiction book if that's what you want.

It's Holmes what can I say

4 stars

Later stories like The Lion's Mane are often called 'not as good'. I think I must be the only person who actually liked The Lion's Mane quite a bit, it's one of my favorites and is in my 'volume 2' (not the same edition as this one appears to be, but 'a' volume 2 regardless)... I guess I just don't think like other people and thus am an unreliable reviewer.

Stanisław Lem: The Chain of Chance (Paperback, 2000, Northwestern University Press) 4 stars

A former astronaut turned private detective is dispatched to Naples to discover the pattern in …

might read sometime

No rating

Content warning ending

reviewed The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant (Pocket library, PL 500)

Will Durant: The Story of Philosophy (1957, Pocket Books]) 4 stars

/Some/ of western philosophy, as seen through the author's bias

3 stars

One of the points of reading philosophy from a wide variety of authors is to get an idea of what other people think, not just to develop your own. The lack of focus on non-Western authors is thus a pretty bad mark against this book. Secondly, it's bad because there are some genuinely really good gems from Eastern philosophy - 'a white horse is not a horse' is a nice logic puzzle that can shift how you view the world and help you analyze statements more critically, and it does it very quickly without needing hundreds of words. That automatically makes it more useful than half of Western philosophy. The title is honestly misleading and I would have bumped it up a star if it had been more accurate. Keep in mind the book was published quite awhile ago, according to Goodreads the first edition was 1926. Also, there's this …

A talented man entered the palace to win the favor of the emperor for his …

Fun gay webtoon

4 stars

This takes a few chapters to really get the plot going, but it's fairly funny and decent. The part where the doctors insisted he was pregnant (having no idea he was a man) were really quite funny. The more serious parts of the story are interesting too. There are villains with personality treated with sympathy / as humans instead of just plot devices, which is always nice to see, including one tear jerker scene that a lot of readers found quite touching.

Tsugumi Ohba: Death Note, Vol. 1 (Library Edition) (Death Note) (Hardcover, 2008, VIZ Media LLC) 4 stars

Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of …

my favorite work after Metamorphosis

5 stars

Content warning talks about characterization and events that impact that, mostly spoiler free though

One fateful day, a girl time slipped into the Sengoku Era. It was an abrupt …

Time traveling Japanese farm girl with pet wolves

4 stars

The summary is a dirty lie. She knows how to do one thing - farm. Although I guess that is technically surviving, it /does/ have the power to change the world.

Due to having access to only a partially translated English version of uncertain legality, this is a 'did not actually finish'. I'm sure I could painfully blunder my way through a machine translation, but I'd rather not. The brief read I had was enjoyable and had only some very one sided romance, which seemed to be a plot convenience for getting the main character cotton seeds. I liked reading about how something as simple as knowing how to cultivate mushrooms could make you rich, and I enjoyed reading about farming, history and forestry, which the author seems to have some actual knowledge of, although it was definitely clear that sometimes the author went a little further than their actual …

'What is fate?

Destined? Providence? Irreversible?

I don’t understand.

I only know that I can’t …

Cultivation novel with a feral wolf girl

4 stars

There are a lot of novels out there with terrible pacing and nonexistent plot; this, I am happy to say, is not one of them. It's an easy quick read and it handled the 'two people initially not friendly with each other become lovers' trope gracefully. It is a cultivation novel with martial arts, but unlike some cultivation novels it doesn't drag the story and pacing down but is, as it should be, merely a supplement to the plot and something to spur action (instead of 5 chapters of just one guy training like you see in some webnovels - you won't find that kind of bad pacing here at all). Maybe I'm judging it against low standards, but, I enjoyed it. It isn't a particularly deep or complicated novel, but not all novels need to be, and that isn't to say there are no moments of angst. Human emotions …