
finished reading Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett: Monstrous Regiment (2003, Doubleday UK) 4 stars

Monstrous Regiment is a fantasy novel by British writer Terry Pratchett, the 31st novel in …

Finishing this (on re-read, because I have read all of Pratchett’s novels, “as and when they becomes available”, starting around the softcover edition of Equal Rites, and no, I haven’t been logging or reviewing my re-reads, because, a) I might be an unreconstructed old white male, but even that doesn’t make me stupid enough to think I could do Terry Pratchett justice, and b) what’s the point of logging what you don’t review) I was left to wonder how anyone in their right mind would think the author of Monstrous Regiment could have opposed trans* rights. But then I remembered those are TERFs we are talking about, and well, there’s your answer, really.