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Review of 'I Could Not Be Hindu The Story of a Dalit in the RSS' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

An extraordinary memoir of a man who grew up as a RSS member, later moved away from RSS because of their betrayal and hypocrisy and working towards social unity and started exposing the RSS hypocrisy towards Dalits, Adivasis, and OBCs.

The book is full of exploitation by Brahmin-Bania castes in the name of Hindu unity and how the oppressed are merely used for carrying out attacks on Muslims and perform violence against poor people.

The pertinent learning point - any institution or group modeled after the Hindu or Sanatana dharma is nothing but a hog-wash name for caste hierarchy. the entire structure of RSS and BJP political party is structured after caste-system with a single point of projecting outsiders (Muslim) as enemies. Hindu nationalism is nothing but caste nationalism to win elections and keep control over the society

One has to give it to Bhanwar's courage, grit, passion to fight …

Review of 'God as Political Philosopher' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

One of the original works came out of India. The outlook of Buddha as a political philosopher shines a light into early values Buddha and his teaching to the society and it’s functioning.

It was surprisingly to see, Ambedkar had quoted the sangha’s parliament structure and essence in constitutional debates.

Always refreshing and insightful to read works around Buddha.

Review of 'Beef, Brahmins, and Broken Men' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

The book is taken from 9th to 16th chapters of the famous work of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar “Who are untouchables...” which asks pertinent questions of how, when, why the concept of untouchability and untouchables came into existence and their connection to Buddhism and beef-eating.

The book discusses in details and through complete and convincing annotations from various sources of academic, governments, religious and scholarly work. The book also points out how Buddhism challenged dogma of Brahminism and its tenants.

Though the book is thick, 400 odd pages, the good chunks is annotation and great treat for history buffs.

The annotators have taken great effort in providing material, speculative, logical and logical deductions as part of their work. Which makes the read informative and highly directional.

Worthy read.

Robert A. Heinlein: The Pursuit of the Pankera (EBook, 2020, CAEZIK SF & Fantasy) 4 stars

Robert A. Heinlein wrote The Number of the Beast, which was published in 1980. In …

Review of 'The Fellowship of the Ring' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

The book is a collection of interviews from the brave fishermen involved in the rescue operations during the 2018 Kerala floods.

In the Lucid writings, the author narrates the events of bravery, reactions of the affected humans, how each one put their life on the boat leaving behind the economic distress with one mission to save lives, and how victims react in the most unexpected line of religion and caste.

Along with the incidents, the author mentions the history and background of the place, fishermen, society, and the state. As a result, the book reaches closer to any reader. The conditions these fishermen faced during the rescue is beyond normal human capacity.

The book is written in an accessible and straightforward manner. You can read it in a single sitting. The page after page, you can witness the generosity, humanness, dedication, simplicity, and bravery of the fishermen folks.

Kudos for …

Review of 'Exquisite Cadavers' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

Exquisite Cadavers, an excellent work of fiction set in the time of political divide and rise of the extreme political right in Britain and India. Meena Kandasamy's two columnar storytelling hooked me to read it in two sittings. The style, voice, and format are new to me and addictive. I completed one column for ten pages and forget there is another column to read, went back and reread. While I was reading, I was contemplating, how could be the experience of reading Kafka on Shore in a similar format.

What astonishes me is the experimentation in the last novel - When I hit you and in the current book — shattering the convention of the fixed fiction format and voice and expectation for the readers.

The writing brilliance excels where the Tamil poems, landscapes, philosophy gels well in the English language and London for every immigrant.

The novel is an …