Review of 'The Lordship of Christ: Serving Our Savior All of the Time, in All of Life, with All of Our Heart' on 'GoodReads'
5 stars
A very good antidote to the strawman fallacy against dominionism. While not spousing theonomy as a political policy approach, it resets on its base the much wider discußion on the place of Jesus in the wider culture, and thus provides a saner fundament for not only political life but for all of Christian life in a secularised wold.
Unfortunately, much of its good potential effects are lost on even Christians committed to the Reformed faith, as the deeply ingrained aßumptions on a diminished place of the Church in the world and a correspondingly totalitarian role of the State make a fair reading difficult, if not impoßible; I would recommend (former) neoevangelicals a wider, previous reading of [[author:Francis A. Schaeffer]], [[author:Rousas John Rushdoony]], [[author:Jean-Marc Berthoud]] and perhaps [[author:Joseph Boot]]'s [[title:The Mission of God]] so they gain the literacy neceßary to get past the watchful dragons of the mind.
A minor irritant …
A very good antidote to the strawman fallacy against dominionism. While not spousing theonomy as a political policy approach, it resets on its base the much wider discußion on the place of Jesus in the wider culture, and thus provides a saner fundament for not only political life but for all of Christian life in a secularised wold.
Unfortunately, much of its good potential effects are lost on even Christians committed to the Reformed faith, as the deeply ingrained aßumptions on a diminished place of the Church in the world and a correspondingly totalitarian role of the State make a fair reading difficult, if not impoßible; I would recommend (former) neoevangelicals a wider, previous reading of [[author:Francis A. Schaeffer]], [[author:Rousas John Rushdoony]], [[author:Jean-Marc Berthoud]] and perhaps [[author:Joseph Boot]]'s [[title:The Mission of God]] so they gain the literacy neceßary to get past the watchful dragons of the mind.
A minor irritant is the author's tendency to quote himself and John Frame, his partner in his Kuyperian, van Tillian actualisation project, predominantly. While I do appreciated the uniqueneß of their contributions, a wider circle of references would do much to dispel a discomfort derived from a perhaps ill-founded suspicion of parochialism.
A clarion call for life. While it assumes a Christian worldview and proposes a Christian approach to abortion, the end is anticlimatic for assuming a triumphalist tone, as if US men could end abortion by themselves, apart from God reviving his Church by His sovereign will; and that is something we can beg for earnestly in prayer & service, but not plan.
Review of 'The New Faces of Christianity' on 'GoodReads'
5 stars
I wiſh I could give 4½ ſtars — I would take out half a ſtar becauſe ðe auþor puts on ðe ſame footiŋ wiþ Evangelicaliſm broadly defined (I include in it all baſically orþodox Proteſtantiſm, eßentially what I call Chriſtianity proper) every kind of hereſy, from Romaniſm, þeological Liberaliſm & Greek iconoduliſm to neopentecoſtaliſm & oðer ſyncretic ſects. But oðer ðan ðat, it is a very intereſtiŋ take on how ‘Global Souþ’ Chriſtianity not only is takiŋ ðe place numerically at ðe top of Chriſtendom from its European forefaþers, but also in takiŋ ðe Bible at leaſt notionally seriouſly. Ðis ſure, deſpite ðe auþor’s caveats, give hope to us embattled conſervative deſcendants of Europe.