Review of 'The New Faces of Christianity' on 'GoodReads'
5 stars
I wiſh I could give 4½ ſtars — I would take out half a ſtar becauſe ðe auþor puts on ðe ſame footiŋ wiþ Evangelicaliſm broadly defined (I include in it all baſically orþodox Proteſtantiſm, eßentially what I call Chriſtianity proper) every kind of hereſy, from Romaniſm, þeological Liberaliſm & Greek iconoduliſm to neopentecoſtaliſm & oðer ſyncretic ſects. But oðer ðan ðat, it is a very intereſtiŋ take on how ‘Global Souþ’ Chriſtianity not only is takiŋ ðe place numerically at ðe top of Chriſtendom from its European forefaþers, but also in takiŋ ðe Bible at leaſt notionally seriouſly. Ðis ſure, deſpite ðe auþor’s caveats, give hope to us embattled conſervative deſcendants of Europe.