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2025 Reading Goal

7% complete! left_adjoint has read 3 of 40 books.

Brenda Laurel: Computers as theatre (1993, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.) 4 stars

Interesting but thin in the wrong places

4 stars

This book is a big mixed bag for me. There's a lot of stuff in it that really gets you stewing about the design of software and what it means for software to be good but there are times where ideas feel wrenched into the framework of theatre when it doesn't make sense

this is kind of a book about intersubjectivity as it applies to software design but without ever actually using that word directly

Jen Manion: Female Husbands (2020, Cambridge University Press) 5 stars

Long before people identified as transgender or lesbian, there were female husbands and the women …

Solid history of a particular slice of transness

5 stars

The only reason why I'm giving it 4.5 not 5 stars is because I think the analysis near the end was a little thin. I would have liked to hear more of the author's synthesis in relation to 20th century trans movements and anti-trans backlash in the conclusion