Jessie reviewed The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera
Review of 'The Last Cuentista' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Assorted thoughts:
-In a world in which it takes me months to get through a single book, I blew through this one in under a week. Some of that was the time pressure of book club, but some of it was the fast pace and general readability of the book; many other books I would have abandoned rather than plowing through for book club.
-The ending felt abrupt and several loose ends were not tied up, which was annoying.
-It was refreshing to read a science fiction book where not only was the main character not white/an alien, but also their specific culture was so central to the narrative. I loved the incorporation of both folklore and Spanish.
-The exploration of grief really got to me.
-As far as originality of a science fiction novel, it's probably more of a three-star read, but I have to bump it up because I'm a librarian and therefore a sucker for stories about the importance of stories.
-Where do I sign up to have information dropped into my brain while I sleep?