Mariana Mazzucato: The value of everything (2018) 4 stars

"Who really creates wealth in our world? And how do we decide the value of …

Review of 'The value of everything' on Goodreads

3 stars

A within-econ takedown of financialization, entrepreneurs and venture capital, and the narrative that "wealth creators" do any such thing independent of significant support from public spending. Put another way, that most wealth and "value" today is extracted rents, not creation or investment. History of value and productivity in economics, history of GDP, national accounts, and public and care work vs finance therein. Argues that innovation is a cumulative collective process and that as the public we should receive more of a stake in its successes not just its losses (Offhand, points out that the value of "big data" or "network effects" in tech today is produced by all of us - a stronger view than that we should be paid for our individual data used by advertisers, say). Also proposes wealth taxes, transaction taxes, and sweeping (or swinging back) redefinitions of many pro-wealth terms in economics. And yet a very incrementalist and capitalist book.