Simon Painter: Functional Programming with C# (2023, O'Reilly Media, Incorporated) 3 stars

After decades of relative obscurity, functional programming is finally coming into its own. With concise, …

A good primer on using functional programming in C#

3 stars

Really good introduction to functional programming concepts in C#. Been learning F# off and on for over a decade, so seeing that I can use functional programming in C# which I use daily for work, was really cool! Simon Painter's "humour" was pretty irritating to me, but the info is good. Glad I read it, but if you only read one book on FP in C#, I think "Functional Programming in C#, Second Edition" by Enrico Buonanno is a better book - a stronger foundation.

Saying that, Simon's conversational style is an easier read..., and he has some interesting ideas that are maybe easier to implement and use straight away.