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Milo Locked account

Joined 2 years, 6 months ago

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Milo's books

Currently Reading (View all 25)

started reading Greywaren by Maggie Stiefvater (The Dreamer Trilogy, #3)

Maggie Stiefvater: Greywaren (EBook) 4 stars

This is the story of the Lynch family.

Niall and Mór escaped their homeland for …

Unsure why I waited so long to start this and whether that says something about: - My feelings about Stief's ways of ending her sagas - My feelings about the state of the fandom - My life when this came out (responsible adult answer that is likely untrue)

Irene Graziosi: Il profilo dell'altra (EBook, Italian language, 2022, edizioni e/o) 3 stars

Dopo la morte della sorella, Maia ha interrotto gli studi a Parigi e si è …

poteva essere peggio ma anche meglio

3 stars

Per essere un romanzo sul mondo degli influencer scritto da una che ci lavora(va?), alcuni degli sviluppi e dei dialoghi non sono propriamente realistici (o forse non lo sono per la mia bolla di influencer di sinistra? vedasi: lo slut shaming), per non dire dilettanteschi. Eppure per ognuna di queste scene un po' forzate ce ne sono altre di una perspicacia ed intensità da far chiudere un occhio sui difetti fino alla conclusione. Non è che sia un libro poi così lungo: il bilancio finale è a suo favore.

reviewed Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (The Locked Tomb, #3)

Tamsyn Muir, Tordotcom Fall 2022 Author To Be Announced: Nona the Ninth (EBook, 2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

Her city is under siege. The zombies are coming back. And all Nona wants is …

just plain fun

4 stars

Did this feel like a bit of a filler at times? Yes. Is having an extra book that accomplishes less than the previous two, in terms of resolving existing plotlines, immensely preferable to having a rushed final volume in a series, especially if said book is full of delightful character moments? Also yes.

In the words of wise tumblr user gideonisms: "tlt was written for the girls who get obsessed with random side characters and for everyone who did the lord’s work in the early 2010s: shipping two women who have spoken twice in canon."