milsyobtaf rated Mickey7: 5 stars

Mickey7 by Edward Ashton (Mickey7, #1)
The Martian meets Multiplicity in Edward Ashton's high concept science fiction thriller, in which Mickey7, an "expendable," refuses to let …
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37% complete! milsyobtaf has read 9 of 24 books.
The Martian meets Multiplicity in Edward Ashton's high concept science fiction thriller, in which Mickey7, an "expendable," refuses to let …
Summer has come to Niflheim. The lichens are growing, the six-winged bat-things are chirping, and much to his own surprise, …
Am I making it worse? I think I'm making it worse.
Following the events in Network Effect, the Barish-Estranza corporation …
Mickey hat einen einfachen Job. Er hilft einer Expeditionscrew, den Eisplaneten Niflheim zu kolonisieren, und dabei übernimmt er alle gefährlichen …
A lot of Engineering Managers and leaders studied for years and years to become the best Engineer they possibly could …
In the bestselling tradition of The Soul of a New Machine, Dealers of Lightning is a fascinating journey of intellectual …
It's said that as a child, Wolfgang Mozart killed another boy by slamming his head on a piano. Don't worry. …
"If you haven't had the good fortune to be coached by a strong leader or product coach, this book can …
On a bitter-cold day, in the December of his junior year at Harvard, Sam Masur exits a subway car and …
Publisher’s description: An engrossing origin story for the personal computer—showing how the Apple II’s software helped a machine transcend from …