Malte wants to read Less is More by Jason Hickel

Less is More by Jason Hickel
The world has finally awoken to the reality of climate breakdown and ecological collapse. Now we must face up to …
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The world has finally awoken to the reality of climate breakdown and ecological collapse. Now we must face up to …
Why, in our affluent society, do so many people live in poverty, without access to health care, working multiple jobs …
"Shoshana Zuboff, named "the true prophet of the information age" by the Financial Times, has always been ahead of her …
“As we go about our daily lives, caste is the wordless usher in a darkened theater, flashlight cast down in …
Groundbreaking analysis of the birth of racism in America
When the first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619, there were …
How American race law provided a blueprint for Nazi Germany. Nazism triumphed in Germany during the high era of Jim …
Ursula K. Le Guins legendariske lille litteratur- og evolutionslære i Karsten Sand Iversens oversættelse.
Grundlæggende opgør med maskuline fortællerformer og …
What is autism? A lifelong disability, or a naturally occurring form of cognitive difference akin to certain forms of genius? …
En af de fremmeste kendere af den nordiske tradition for magi og naturkraft. En brudt tradition: vi har ikke kunne spørge vores bedsteforældre, hvordan de gjorde, som man kan i fx Sibirien. Hun har forsket i et halvt århundrede, både via de skriftlige kilder, arkæologien og en eksperimentel praksis. Jeg elsker den præcision og omhyggelighed hun bringer til ordene - en "strammer", som hun selv ville sige
En af de fremmeste kendere af den nordiske tradition for magi og naturkraft. En brudt tradition: vi har ikke kunne spørge vores bedsteforældre, hvordan de gjorde, som man kan i fx Sibirien. Hun har forsket i et halvt århundrede, både via de skriftlige kilder, arkæologien og en eksperimentel praksis. Jeg elsker den præcision og omhyggelighed hun bringer til ordene - en "strammer", som hun selv ville sige.
"In Work Clean, Dan Charnas reveals how to apply mise-en-place outside the kitchen, in any kind of work. Culled from …
A groundbreaking book about how to harness the power of collaboration and work most effectively in groups—coauthored by Getting Things …
A groundbreaking book about how to harness the power of collaboration and work most effectively in groups—coauthored by Getting Things …