Lots of great stories of technological failures. It could have used more stories and less abstraction, but overall brought up valid points explaining how to deal with technical failures.
Reviews and Comments
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Cameron Johnson reviewed Lethal Arrogance by Lloyd J. Dumas
Cameron Johnson reviewed The Revolution That Wasn't by Jen Schradie
Hits the highlights
The meme stock craze around GME was a classic example of irrational exuberance, this book covers the saga with insightful commentary.
Cameron Johnson reviewed Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
Cameron Johnson reviewed Quantum Physics by Michael G. Raymer
Cameron Johnson reviewed Sklansky on poker by David Sklansky
Cameron Johnson finished reading Sklansky on poker by David Sklansky
Cameron Johnson finished reading Sent: Living a Life That Invites Others to Jesus by Heather Holleman
Read this with my small group. Clearly comes from a good place and makes a good point that caring for people can mean pushing them to make decisions they don’t want to consider. Can sometimes be too prescriptive about strategies, but lays out a healthy attitude for evangelizing.
Cameron Johnson finished reading Generation me by Jean M. Twenge
Insightful look at unique problems faced by the millennial generation. Over emphasis on self esteem and following dreams can lead to difficulty with commitment, because the real dream could always still be out there.
Cameron Johnson finished reading Houdini!!!: The Career of Ehrich Weiss by Kenneth Silverman
Cameron Johnson finished reading Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter
A dense book filled with interesting questions and ideas that raises more questions than it answers. The focus is on negative space and complexity, and how the universe is filled with recursive patterns that provide never ending places to explore.
Cameron Johnson finished reading Fear and Trembling by Søren Kierkegaard
Cameron Johnson finished reading Relativity by Albert Einstein
Short, approachable discussion of Einstein’s famous theory, written by the man himself. Still delves into the mathematics, but illustrates the concepts with examples, revealing the creative process of thought experiments that guided Einstein.
Cameron Johnson finished reading The double helix by James D. Watson
By identifying the structure of DNA, the molecule of life, Francis Crick and James Watson …
Flawed, but revealing look at the process of discovering the molecular structure of DNA. Shows that outsiders often bring creative approaches to solving problems by questioning the assumptions the experts have made. Ridicule precedes success.