n-gons finished reading Ultima by Stephen Baxter

Ultima by Stephen Baxter
Hailed as “one of the most inventive writers that science fiction has ever produced" (SF Site), Stephen Baxter builds on …
Swede in Austria. Proud father. Particle Physicist turned Data Scientist. I make geometric art.
Some tags: #scifi #fantasy #animals #technolgoy #science #physics #math #statistics #datascience #sweden #austria #art #MathArt #animals #geometry #tiling #knots #coding #generative #fedi22
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Hailed as “one of the most inventive writers that science fiction has ever produced" (SF Site), Stephen Baxter builds on …
The story of how we colonise a new world, and the discovery of an ancient secret that will change our …
Sequel to The Long Mars.
"2040-2045: In the years after the cataclysmic Yellowstone eruption there is massive economic dislocation as populations flee Datum Earth to …
I think this series has the best travel through the multiverse world I've ever read, it somehow is exotic and plausible at the same time. I really enjoyed this, and you should just read the whole series - there is good stuff here.
It is not my favourite discworld book, but it is worth a read and if you want to read all of discworld you gotta read this one. It is funny, there are great characters, fantastic world building, and sets the foundation for pretty much the most fabulous fantasy series ever made...
A bunch of good stuff, but also quite a lot of it. It got me very interested in a cryptography, which I really enjoyed, so that's nice.