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finished reading Constructing Brexit Britain by Tamsin Parnell (Corpus and Discourse)

Tamsin Parnell: Constructing Brexit Britain (Hardcover, Bloomsbury) No rating

It's a PhD thesis in a field I have no formal relationship with, so I won't even try to summarize. Given that background though, I found it surprisingly easy to read and follow for a general audience. The focus was more political science than I had expected (I'm not sure what exactly, but I guess I was kinda expecting lots of math/theoretical linguistics/argumentation theory or something along those lines). Brexit and Brexit discourse being one of the few political events I loosely followed during this time, this book provides scientific backing for many vague assumptions and presuppositions I had about the attitudes towards it.

I skipped the details of the second and third analysis, which are probably of interest for those specifically engaged in similar or related research, but not that exciting for a casual reader such as myself.