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reviewed Women by Charles Bukowski

Charles Bukowski: Women (2014) 4 stars

Women is a 1978 novel written by Charles Bukowski, starring his semi-autobiographical character Henry Chinaski. …

Hilarious at first, becomes a slog to finish

4 stars

This is the first Bukowski novel for me. It was quite funny, particularly in the first half with Lydia and the unhinged insanity of that character. I enjoyed how honest and down to earth Bukowski’s writing style is. There are many women I’ve known who behave like the ones in the novel, which I got a kick out of. The problem is, there’s only so many combinations of promiscuous woman, alcohol, and self loathing writer that I can take before the shtick gets old. But I can’t complain too much, because I really did enjoy the novel overall. I wouldn’t recommend this to super uptight people though. When looking at negative reviews for this book, I somehow find that it’s usually men who morally grandstand and rail against the antics of the drunken womanizer Chinaski, more so than women themselves; maybe these guys think it’ll help their chances of getting …