
reviewed Hominids by Robert J. Sawyer (Neanderthal Parallax, #1)

Robert J. Sawyer: Hominids (2003, Tor Science Fiction) 4 stars

Total surveilance is great

3 stars

... if people just weren’t people. That is, if they weren’t interested in pelf and power and weren’t at all curious. I don’t believe a word of the note added at the top here: You don’t write a whole novel about how great it would be if you could always prove your innocence if you didn’t mean it.

I believe that Bruce Schneiers burn stung so much that Sawyer thought he had to do something. »(W)henever I see a tourist attraction with a guest register, (...) I sign “Robert J. Sawyer, Toronto, ON”—because you never know when he’ll need an alibi.«

Anyway, if you don’t think about it too much, it’s a fun¹ story. Neanderthal quantum physicists!

1 OK. Entertaining. The trauma the author thought he needed to inflict on the protagonist to get an unsolved crime – see what happens without alibi archives! – is no fun.