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Joined 1 year ago

josh. a passion for television. i want to make tv and movies when i grow up. i don't read as much as i'd like and i wish i was faster.

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joshua.'s books

Currently Reading

"十九年過去了, 哈利波特從一個勇敢的男孩蛻變為三個孩子的父親. 即使如此, 他依然深陷於往事的惡夢中, 他夢見父母, 夢見犧牲的夥伴, 思念和歉疚緊緊抓著他不放. 當他的閃電疤痕隱隱作痛, 哈利開始懷疑:「那個人」難道還沒有放過他? 最讓哈利感到憂心的, 是他與小兒子阿不思降至冰點的關係. 如果可以的話, 阿不思真不願意身為哈利波特的兒子, 彷彿必須要成為另一則「傳奇」, 才配得上他的父親. …

Review of 'HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD (PARTS ONE AND TWO) (Chinese Edition) by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Do not read this as anything more than fanfiction that got published and highly publicized, no matter what J.K. Rowling says. There are some nice character beats that I'll adopt for my own headcanon, but I do not accept it as anything more than that. I would probably rate this closer to 3 stars, but as Goodreads classifies it, 2 stars = "it was okay" and that's closer to how I felt. Let's say, "I like it okay."