Peter Gelderloos: The Solutions are Already Here (Paperback, 2022, Pluto Press) 4 stars

Are alternative energies and Green New Deals enough to deliver environmental justice? Peter Gelderloos argues …

Better than expected, but still rather frustrating

4 stars

My previous attempts at reading Warner have rather run aground on, as I see it, his attempt to lighten Buddhist teachings, but that lean uncomfortably much on "...did I ever tell you I played bass in a punk band." Despite the opening autobiographical chapters, this book largely manages to steer clear of that, but then I'm left wondering what's left. Warner quotes pretty heavily from Dogen, plus more modern teachers such as Nishijima and Kobun, and then offers his own interpretations and personal commentary. Frustratingly, the quotes are only sometimes sourced, leaving the reader unclear where to go read more. Warner's commentary itself contains some gems, especially when he's being particularly humble, but it's not clear there's enough there to justify the reading.