pdrbstmnt rated Cibola Burn: 4 stars

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Darrow is a Red, a member of the lowest caste in the color-coded society of the future. Like his fellow …
For years, frontier lawman turned big-city senator Waxillium Ladrian has hunted the shadowy organization the Set―with his late uncle and …
Three hundred years after the events of the Mistborn trilogy, Scadrial is now on the verge of modernity, with railroads …
This has been incorrectly linked to The Final Empire.
Return to Mistborn. Join the hunt for a mysterious assassin.
Three hundred years after the events of the Mistborn trilogy, Scadrial is on the verge of modernity, with railroads to …
To end the Final Empire and restore freedom, Vin killed the Lord Ruler. But as a result, the Deepness--the lethal …
The impossible has been accomplished. The Lord Ruler -- the man who claimed to be god incarnate and brutally ruled …
For a thousand years the ash fell and no flowers bloomed. For a thousand years the Skaa slaved in misery …
Thirteen hundred gates have opened to solar systems around the galaxy. But as humanity builds its interstellar empire in the …
In the thousand-sun network of humanity's expansion, new colony worlds are struggling to find their way. Every new planet lives …
A revolution brewing for generations has begun in fire. It will end in blood.
The Free Navy - a violent …