Alan Moore, David Lloyd, Alan Moore: V for Vendetta (Hardcover, 2005, Vertigo) 4 stars

"Good evening, London." It's nine o'clock and this is The Voice of Fate... It is …

Review of 'V for Vendetta' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I've been pushing this down my reading list for a while because of how divisive it is, many people either absolutely loving it or thinking it's really pretentious. It's actually a mix of both, but it's still definitely a good read.

The main problem with this book is that everything is just a little too convenient. V is presented as this unstoppable force of nature that's always two steps ahead and somehow has infinite resources at his disposal. The second half of the book has a plot twist that just adds to this.

The other problem is the art. It's not bad, but the limited color scheme makes it so hard to tell characters apart sometimes. Many of them look and dress the same, I sometimes have to double check who's in the panel and which of them is talking.

I almost gave it a 4 star because there are a lot of brilliant scenes in it, Alan Moore definitely knows his stuff, but as a whole the story lost me near the middle. V's monologues about how anarchy is good got derivative, and for a story so centered on the people there's surprisingly little perspective on what they're doing or thinking up until the end. Just wish the story was less focused on government officials and more focused on the actual movement.