V for Vendetta

Hardcover, 296 pages

English language

Published Oct. 12, 2005 by Vertigo.

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4 stars (248 reviews)

"Good evening, London." It's nine o'clock and this is The Voice of Fate... It is the Fifth of the Eleventh, Nineteen-Ninety-Seven...

"The people of London are advised that the Brixton and Streatham areas are quarantine zones as of today. It is suggested that these areas be avoided for reasons of health and safety...

Police raided seventeen homes in the Birmingham area early this morning, uncovering what is believed to be a major terrorist ring. Twenty people, either of them women, are currently in detention awaiting trial...

The weather will be fine until 12:07 A.M. when a shower will commence, lasting until 1:30 A.M...

Have a pleasant evening."

A frightening and powerful tale of the loss of freedom and identity in a chillingly believable totalitarian world, V for Vendetta stands as one of the highest achievements of the comics medium and a defining work for creators Alan Moore and David Lloyd. …

22 editions

Review of 'V for Vendetta' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I've been pushing this down my reading list for a while because of how divisive it is, many people either absolutely loving it or thinking it's really pretentious. It's actually a mix of both, but it's still definitely a good read.

The main problem with this book is that everything is just a little too convenient. V is presented as this unstoppable force of nature that's always two steps ahead and somehow has infinite resources at his disposal. The second half of the book has a plot twist that just adds to this.

The other problem is the art. It's not bad, but the limited color scheme makes it so hard to tell characters apart sometimes. Many of them look and dress the same, I sometimes have to double check who's in the panel and which of them is talking.

I almost gave it a 4 star because there are …

Review of 'V for vendetta' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A remarkably topical book for our dark times.

It's main flaw is that the backstory posits nuclear war as the apocalyptic trigger for the rise of fascism in Britain. As should be abundantly clear by now, the apocalypse is no prerequisite for dystopia. Nor should resistance wait for totalitarianism to succeed before it begins.

Alan Moore, in his foreword from 1988.", recognizes as much, and also gives his view of the state of the UK in words that could equally well describe the self-destructive authoritarian instincts of our day: "The tabloid press are circulating the idea of concentration camps for persons with AIDS. The new riot police wear black visors, and so do their horses... the government has expressed a desire to eradicate homosexuality, even as an abstract concept, and one can only speculate which minority will be the next legislated against. I'm thinking of taking my family and getting …

Review of 'V for Vendetta' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is a riveting, thought-provoking work. I'm very much taken with both story and artwork; the way Alan Moore and David Lloyd were able to collaborate is beautiful. The idea of using Guy Fawkes as the face for V was pure genius, and Valerie's story, told very effectively as a contraband scribbling on toilet paper, was beyond touching and gave the story impetus.

This is only the second graphic novel I've ever read (besides Fun Home), and I realize only lately that it's a shame to have overlooked an entire population of books, based solely on format!

Review of 'V for Vendetta' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

I'd seen the film first, and only because it was on Netflix (if I remember correctly) and I was home sick. Though parts of it were hokey, I generally had a good time watching it.

That said, I understand some people's love of V much more having read the comic series. While the Wachowskis updates to the comic make a certain kind of sense, given the audience for a big budget movie, the original setting of late 80s/early 90s London seems intrinsic to the overall mood of the story, not to mention certain plot developments. Technology is advanced, but there are still loopholes that the average person, given enough time to educate themselves and train, could exploit (enter V).

Most importantly, the film wasn't committed to V's anarchist tendencies, choosing to present him as a progressive, if somewhat radical liberal fighting back an uber-conservative government in an attempt to mobilize …

Review of 'V for Vendetta' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I'd forgotten that I had already read this and completely forgot that it is post-apocalyptic, that it centralises persecuted groups and allows our antihero to come from any combination of them and that V actually does some hacking on top of everything else. His abuse of Evey still doesn't seem particularly justified and while he casts himself as a villain the implication is that his ultimate intent is noble. His strand of anarchy seems distinctly individualistic, and there's no evidence that Evey's constructive anarchy would be any less so. So sure, smash the fascist state, but it's not particularly clear how this revolution is supposed to effect any permanent change, and what crumbs moore gives us suggests that life isn't going to get any better any time soon.

That aside, it really is very intricately when together and the voluminous verses of vivacious V-words are quite a feat that I …

Review of 'V for Vendetta' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

What to say... Alan Moore fans are going to hate me for this, but the movie was better. I'm sorry, but that's the way I see it.

Much like The Watchmen, maybe I'm not getting the full effect of [b:V for Vendetta|5805|V for Vendetta|Alan Moore|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1165548128s/5805.jpg|392838] because I'm reading it now, and not in the 80's when it came out. Either way, it was good, but not great. [b:Watchmen|472331|Watchmen|Alan Moore|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1175041710s/472331.jpg|4358649] was better, but also not great.

At this point, besides The Killing Joke, I don't see the reason for all the Alan Moore love. He's no Neil Gaiman when it comes to graphic novels...

Review of 'V for Vendetta' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was definitely one of the best graphic novels I have read. A good example of what can be done with the graphic novel format to tell a story. Also a good example of the dystopian genre. I wish I would have had it available when I was teaching high school as an alternative or addition to reading Orwell's 1984. I think the students would have appreciated it, and it probably could have sparked some more discussions.

Leaving that aside, I can definitely see how this story is still very relevant. It should be a warning sign. It's not just the tyrants; it's the idiots and neglectful people who put them in power. In a way, it's those ignorant and clueless people who would rather sacrifice freedom for an illusion of peace or order who are really dangerous. Freedom does have a price, and it is vigilance. However, it …

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