Emily Carroll: Through the woods (2014, Margaret K. McElderry Books) 4 stars

Discover a terrifying world in the woods in this collection of five hauntingly beautiful graphic …

Review of 'Through the woods' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Through the Woods is a horror anthology of 5 different short stories, and I mean SHORT. Each story can be read in ~5 minutes or less, which might be off-putting to people because of how expensive the book is. Through the Woods honestly felt like a mixed bag, with me liking only 2 of the 5 stories: A Lady's Hands Are Cold, and The Nesting Place. The rest of the stories, while certainly not bad, just didn't leave a big impression on me. Here's how I'd rank each one of them:

#5: Our Neighbor's House
My least favorite of the bunch. I liked the art of the environment and red/white sky, but the story was just eh. The ending was also predictable.

#4: My Friend Janna
The scribblings on the notebook were creepy. That's about all I can say for this one, the rest of the story feels like you're just going through the motions of a horror film, and ending was also not surprising.

#3: His Face All Red
Probably the shortest story here, I was shocked by how vague the ending was, but I think the bizarre ending is really what makes this story memorable. There's a lot of room for interpretation and thought.

#2: A Lady's Cold Hands
The art was awesome and unlike the rest of this book, this story had a style and theme to it. The song was chilling, and the ending was satisfying.

#1: The Nesting Place
Easily the best the story in the book, and what I hoped the rest would imitate. This is the longest story, and the writer's comfort with slightly longer stories really shows. There are actual characters, the dialogue is good, and the story wasn't short enough that it had to suddenly end. A great read.