Review of the compendium itself in the bottom
This book was a ton of fun! Not every story here is great, and the first two volumes were very blunt on exposition, but it was overall a wonderful sprawling epic that is one of a kind and full of great moments.
The art is very hit or miss. Since it's a long running series, a lot of artists come and go and while most of them are not bad, some of the art is just really simple and uninspired. Some of them even had weird quirks, like one artist who draws Bigby with no mouth and another that can't really draw faces.
The writing is also hit or miss. Though it's usually great, some side stories felt like filler (the ww2 story...) while others felt really poorly handled (farm revolution felt like it's copying Animal Farm without understanding anything about it), …
Reviews and Comments
Like: Graphic Novels, Comics, Manga, Fantasy Books
Dislike: Generic superhero stuff, anything lacking creativity
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Opus by Satoshi Kon
popcar2 rated Absolute All-Star Superman: 3 stars
popcar2 rated Town of Evening Calm, Country of Cherry Blossoms: 3 stars
popcar2 reviewed Fables by Bill Willingham (Fables Compendium #1)
Review of 'Fables' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Review of the compendium itself in the bottom
This book was a ton of fun! Not every story here is great, and the first two volumes were very blunt on exposition, but it was overall a wonderful sprawling epic that is one of a kind and full of great moments.
The art is very hit or miss. Since it's a long running series, a lot of artists come and go and while most of them are not bad, some of the art is just really simple and uninspired. Some of them even had weird quirks, like one artist who draws Bigby with no mouth and another that can't really draw faces.
The writing is also hit or miss. Though it's usually great, some side stories felt like filler (the ww2 story...) while others felt really poorly handled (farm revolution felt like it's copying Animal Farm without understanding anything about it), but luckily all the poor stories are usually quite short and don't affect the overall experience.
This book is a solid 4 stars, and a must-have for anyone interested in fantasy and fairy tales.
Compendium Physical Review
The compendium itself has good binding and high quality paper, but it's underwhelming that there's no content other than the pages of the book themselves! No foreword, no afterword, no bonus art, NOT EVEN A TABLE OF CONTENTS! You open the book, see a nice cover and basic credits, then immediately start on page 1. It's disappointing. In-between every issue is also a weird page with purple mist on it. You see this page maybe 40 times, and it's disappointing as hell that they didn't use them in any way. The deluxe edition has quotes in-between every issue, why not put those in?
The compendium is a great option if you're short on money, but I'd otherwise get the deluxe edition or just the trade paperbacks.
popcar2 reviewed The Treasure of the Black Swan by Paco Roca
Review of 'The Treasure of the Black Swan' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Who knew a story about the legalities of treasure hunting would be so interesting?
Treasure of the Black Swan follows a newly hired spanish diplomat who gets sucked into leading a tense, long legal battle against a powerful group of treasure hunters who somehow found hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Spanish treasure on who rightfully owns that treasure.
It's a good read if you're into slower paced stories. The characters are great and the events are interesting but I felt like it dragged on a little near the end. In the last third of the book I just felt ready for it to end.
popcar2 rated The Drifting Classroom: 3 stars
popcar2 reviewed The Drifting Classroom by Kazuo Umezz (The Drifting Classroom: Perfect Edition, #01)
Review of 'The Drifting Classroom' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
It's like Lord of the Flies, except everyone is a psychopath from day 0.
Wow! I didn't know what to expect coming into this. I always heard about how popular this horror manga is but when I finally read it I was blown away that it's kind of... Funny?! Most of the manga will have you altering between "What the hell is going on?" to "How did we get here?".
Everything in this story is so over the top and chaotic that it's kind of similar to an '80s slasher movie. You're not necessarily here for the horror, but rather the crazy turn of events you watch unfold as everyone goes insane and everything falls apart.
Within the first 5 minutes of the classroom disappearing, kids start falling off the roof, a teacher starts slapping the crap out of every kid to calm them down, then a heroic teacher stabs …
It's like Lord of the Flies, except everyone is a psychopath from day 0.
Wow! I didn't know what to expect coming into this. I always heard about how popular this horror manga is but when I finally read it I was blown away that it's kind of... Funny?! Most of the manga will have you altering between "What the hell is going on?" to "How did we get here?".
Everything in this story is so over the top and chaotic that it's kind of similar to an '80s slasher movie. You're not necessarily here for the horror, but rather the crazy turn of events you watch unfold as everyone goes insane and everything falls apart.
Within the first 5 minutes of the classroom disappearing, kids start falling off the roof, a teacher starts slapping the crap out of every kid to calm them down, then a heroic teacher stabs his kid and threatens everyone that they're next in order to calm them down. This works. Soon after the teachers start a free for all and kill each other for no real reason.
My favorite thing about this though is that the story doesn't even try to make sense. It knows how absurd it is, and doesn't try to justify itself. Events happen for seemingly no reason out of nowhere and you're expected to just roll with it. I could say a lot of things about the story, but at least it doesn't slow down or get boring.
So yes, it's not exactly a realistic story or a very scary one, but it is interesting watching everything unfold and how quickly things get out of hand. Overall it's a good book with some moments of good horror like the very creepy giant insect, but I wouldn't classify this as a very scary book if that's what you're looking for.
popcar2 rated Deadly Class, Deluxe Edition Book Two: 3 stars

Deadly Class, Deluxe Edition Book Two by Rick Remender (Deadly Class #4-6)
Collecting arcs four through six of Rick Remender and Wes Craig's ongoing darkly humorous drama about the lives of '80s …
popcar2 rated The Number 73304-23-4153-6-96-8: 4 stars

The Number 73304-23-4153-6-96-8 by Thomas Ott
Swiss horror master Thomas Ott returns with the first full-length, wordless graphic novel of his career. When clearing up the …

Neil Gaiman: Death (2012, DC Comics)
Death by Neil Gaiman
The first story introduces the young, pale, perky, and genuinely likable Death. One day in every century, Death walks the …
popcar2 reviewed Deadly Class Deluxe Edition Volume 1 by Rick Remender
Review of 'Deadly Class Deluxe Edition Volume 1' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
I can't believe some writers still enjoy putting love triangles in otherwise promising stories. Man, I just love it when the main character spending half of this book whining about le girlfriends and le difficult choice, especially when one of them is a manic pixie dream girl with zero motives. Saya as a character just does not work.
The book is usually pretty fun when the story finally picks up, but by the end I still felt like I've had enough of the main character brooding for 20 pages straight. Here's hoping the next one will be a little less cliche.
popcar2 rated The Sandman: 5 stars

Neil Gaiman: The Sandman (2015)
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
Presents the Sandman's origin story from the birth of a galaxy to the moment that Morpheus is captured.