Reviews and Comments


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a veeery... slooow... reeeeader...


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Nicola Griffith: Spear (Hardcover, 2022, Tordotcom) 4 stars

The girl knows she has a destiny before she even knows her name. She grows …

Content warning possible spoilers?

Agatha Christie: The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot #1) (2002, Deodand Publishing) 4 stars

The Mysterious Affair at Styles is a detective novel by British writer Agatha Christie. It …

Content warning This book contains poisons

Herman Melville: Moby-Dick (Paperback, 2003, Penguin Classics) 4 stars

"Command the murderous chalices! Drink ye harpooners! Drink and swear, ye men that man the …

Content warning bonkers 1930 film adaptation, spoilers galore!

William T. Vollmann: No Immediate Danger (2019, Penguin Books) No rating

The first volume in a timely series about climate change and energy generation focuses on …

Not to far into this but one thing is clear: William T Vollmann is not at a loss for words. statistics coming at me tsunami style can be overwhelming but there's something comforting in knowing that if there was a way to internalize all this information one would have a response to any argument made by the climate denier set. and statistics relayed not in a dry way but in a disarming curmudgeonly rant by a know it all who can't help themself.

reviewed The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor, #1)

Katherine Addison: The Goblin Emperor (Paperback, 2019, REBCA) 4 stars

Maia, the youngest, half-goblin son of the Emperor has lived his entire life in exile, …

The Gobblin' Emperor, amiright? (not really, there's not much eating)

4 stars

Content warning maybe general story details

reviewed The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison (The Goblin Emperor #2)

Katherine Addison: The Witness for the Dead (2021, Tor Books) 4 stars

A standalone novel in the fantastic world of Katherine Addison's award-winning The Goblin Emperor.

When …

fantasy noir?

4 stars

I quite enjoyed this, the story moves along, it's varied and intricately drawn with gritty details. I felt at times like i was reading Dashiell Hammett, but with ghouls and elves and goblins. i think some of the subtleties of the world Addison creates were lost on me because i haven't read the Goblin Emperor. (can't say i wasn't warned.) I liked the names and titles of the characters; they have a nice musical ring to them, but again, i felt a like i was in the deep end of the pool trying to keep all of them straight in my mind. I think it'd be worth reading again this after i read the GE.