
commented on Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein: Shock Doctrine (2008, Penguin) 4 stars

An introduction to "disaster capitalism" argues that the global free market has exploited crises, violence, …

It's such an infuriating read. Again an again neo liberalism patterns are applied leading to pain and suffering and to a few getting richer

It cause #MilitantDecency (referencing #TerryPratchett)

"Thematically speaking, the most important thing Terry Pratchett taught me was the concept of militant decency. The idea that you can look at the world and its flaws and its injustices and its cruelties and get deeply, intensely angry, and that you can turn that into energy for doing the right thing and making the world a better place. He taught me that the anger itself is not the part I should be fighting. Nobody in my life ever said that before."