Jasmine Henry, Alison Gianotto, Coleen Shane: Revinventing Cybersecurity (Paperback, JuniperOne Press) 4 stars

Reinventing Cybersecurity is the first cybersecurity book written entirely by women and non-binary experts and …

Security is not a "climb to the top of the mountain" activity, where once you've reached the peak, you're done! No, security is a "steer the ship through the rocks to keep the boat from rubbing around*activity. There is almost never a "set it and forget it"task or technology in security.

Revinventing Cybersecurity by , , (Page 189)

So true. #Cybersecurity and project based thinking don't work well together. It's related to #NoProjects


replied to BillieCodes's status

Replying here (still struggling with the ui)

(AFAIK) has it origin on the bird site in the context of agile software development. It started a heated discussion between people proposing more and better planning opposed to people seeing much of the planning as waste and target going for continuous development.

From the perspective one problem with projects is, that they have an defined end and then usually the team gets dissolved. Leaving no one who can implement (security) fixes on the future. Fixes would require another follow up project ☹️

One occasion were this went wrong very publicly is the Equifax breach

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