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Rebecca Hedreen

Joined 2 years, 2 months ago

Librarian at Southern Connecticut State University

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Rebecca Hedreen's books

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Christopher Plumb, Samuel Shaw: Zebra (Paperback, 2018, Reaktion Books) 4 stars

Not a zoology book

4 stars

I received “Zebra” to review for Choice Reviews. (This review is not a copy of that review.)

“Zebra” is neither a book of zoology nor a book on history, but more of a combination that covers the human interaction with the zebra both as an animal and as an icon. The book is about the zebra, but the focus is on humans: how humans discovered the zebra, how we reacted to it, how we've interpreted it, how we've used it. The book covers ancient art and modern fashion (zebra striped clothing is, for some reason, more commonly made for women), zebras in art, comics, and diplomacy, and zebras as representations of sociological issues (Madagascar's Marty is uncertain of his racial identity, and zebras have been used as mounts for women challenging societal gender roles in movies and in comics.)

A timeline, references, bibliography, and website list round out the book, …

Patrice D'Amato: The View from the Clinic (EBook, Fan Blade Publishing) 5 stars

Abortion is an emotionally charged topic. Morality, social justice, religion, and law have transformed an …

A practitioner's view

5 stars

These are the stories (modified for privacy) remembered by a nurse who worked in an abortion clinic. These are the things that stuck with her for years after she left. The heartache, the laughter, the shock, the nausea, the satisfaction. She has stories of patients, staff, parents, protesters, and herself. It's not raw...there are years between the events and the writing, but in some ways it's even more striking because of that. The details might be fuzzy, deliberately or through the filter of time, but the emotions are still there. This won't change anyone's mind on the subject, but it gives a lot more nuance to the conversation, and might help answer "how could you do/think that?"

Digital copy provided by #NetGalley