
reviewed Bad luck and trouble by Lee Child (Jack Reacher (11))

Lee Child: Bad luck and trouble (Paperback, 2007, Delacorte Press) 4 stars

From a helicopter high above the empty California desert, a man is sent free-falling into …

Review of 'Bad luck and trouble' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I think this is it - this is the perfect Jack Reacher book. With ten previous books, Lee Child has refined his style and found that perfect ratio between Reacher doing what Reacher does, and adding third-party narrative to flesh out the story just a bit more. This fine line means that where Reacher is surprised, you're in suspense waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bad Luck and Trouble nails this by providing a very strong set of antagonists offset by the all-star team of Reacher's pals. The two sides really work each other over in a high-stakes chess match while Team Reacher is unravelling the mystery that would blow the whole criminal conspiracy apart. It reaches a thrilling climax... absolutely recommended.

The Special Investigator unit is great to see in action, as Reacher's special skills aren't so special anymore. The entire unit is well characterized and it gives a ton of background into Reacher's past that has been missing from the last ten other novels. I really enjoyed the final showdown, and by this, I mean the battle around the factory. Getting into a factory secured by Pentagon-level requirements, as well as taking apart the Head of Security and his goons, and then that great chess match for the helicopter was... beautiful. I didn't really care about the terrorist subplot but it did help explain away some of the restrictions on Reacher. Finally... my favorite moment in the entire book was when Reacher finds his toothbrush, broken, after his hotel room is broken into. "Bastard" was his reaction. lol