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Rod Hilton Locked account

Joined 3 years, 5 months ago

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Marshall B. Rosenberg: Nonviolent communication (2003, PuddleDancer Press) 4 stars

An enlighting look at how peaceful communication can create compassionate connections with family, friends, and …

Review of 'Nonviolent communication' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

"Nonviolent Communication" might be a bit eyeroll-inducing, the concept of "When you X, I feel Y" statements are a cliche at this point. But push through it, this book is invaluable in improving communication skills.

I'm not sure any book has had as much of an impact on my ability to communicate effectively with other people. True, it's not "in my nature" but I'm hoping to fake it until I make it with this stuff, because I've noticed a marked difference with how coworkers seem to view interactions with me after employing the skills this book teaches, not to mention improved communication with my wife and even better parenting with my children.

It really is a game-changer, it takes work to think and operate this way but the payoff is huge. Hopefully with time this will become second nature to me (fingers crossed) but until then even being slow and …

Review of 'The Ideal Team Player' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

I'm not going to say much about the "fable" format - a lot of these reviews seem not to be familiar with this particular style of book, and a reacting negatively to that. Yes, 75% of this book is a work of fiction with characters and dialogue that serve as a way for the author to convey his ideas in the format of a story, and yes as with The Phoenix Project and other similar Business Novels, the quality of this fiction is fairly hit or miss and it's mostly lots of straw men that a perfect examples of the principles the book wants to get across. If this format sounds like it would bother you, you won't like this book.

Now, as to the actual content - I think it's quite good. It's a deeper dive into the concepts of "The No Asshole Rule" which is basically to suggest …

Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson: Remote: Office Not Required (2013) 4 stars

Review of 'Remote: Office Not Required' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

This book was a little disappointing, not because it's bad but because it wasn't quite what I was looking for. The book advertises itself as a collection of solutions to problems people encounter when embracing remote work, but more than anything else the problem it solves is "how do I convince management to embrace remote work?"

Most of the book is structured as a work of persuasion, something that's intended to convince people to go remote. A lot of it seems geared toward executives and managers, or giving lower-level employees ammunition and counterarguments for common objections. That's all well and good, but as someone who is already on-board with remote work and pretty experienced doing it for over 5 years, I don't personally need any convincing - I need help.

Going remote poses unique challenges and difficulties, and I thought the book might help give me some practical solutions to …

Jason Fried: It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work (2018) 4 stars

Review of "It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work" on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

You need to read this book. Actually, scratch that, your manager needs to read this book, and his or her manager as well. All the way up the ladder. This is more than just a book, it's a manifesto for sanity and calmness at the office.

Nearly every (two-page) section is gold. It reads quick, it's well-written, there's no extra fluff or padding. Just straightforward advice for how to run your company and culture to maximize happiness at the office, written by people who have been successful. This book puts into succinct words exactly what I've been saying to various people for years, it's so validating to see the co-founders of a successful business reiterate what I keep telling people, as well as giving me new annoying things to tell people who won't listen.

This book is a must-read, I recommend it to absolutely everyone. Even if you don't think …

Neha Narkhede, Gwen Shapira, Todd Palino: Kafka The Definitive Guide (2017, O’Reilly Media) 4 stars

Revision History for the First Edition - 2017-07-07: First Release - 2017-10-13: Second Release - …

Review of 'Kafka The Definitive Guide' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

Pretty much what you expect from a "The Definitive Guide" book - it takes you through installing and using Kafka, how to work with it in production, how the internals work, and a laundry list of operations you might want to perform as an admin and how to perform those operations. It's thorough and complete and yet not overly long. It's more than you get from the documentation on the web, a bit better-written and more comprehensive. Plus, hey, it's free

recommended if you're getting into Kafka. My team was considering using Kafka for a product and I quickly came to feel like I knew what I was talking about during discussions just from reading the first half of this book. Unfortunately, we decided not to go with Kafka for the project but I finished the book anyway and I'd still recommend it.

Michael Wolff: Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House (Hardcover, 2018, Henry Holt & Company) 3 stars

A 2018 book by Michael Wolff, detailing the behavior (and hatred) of U.S. President Donald …

Review of 'Fire And Fury' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

The day I finished this book, I opened up my computer and saw that Hope Hicks, a "character" who is central to a good portion of this book, resigned. The day before, Jared Kushner - who is mentioned on nearly every page - had his security level downgraded. The Mueller investigation is still ongoing, and the future of Trump's presidency is very uncertain.

The reason I mention all of this is that the fundamental issue with the book is that, frankly, it was written too early. It's the first section of a nonexistent book called "The Downfall of the Trump White House." It feels incomplete, like the book ends when stuff is just getting warmed up, and the book would be stronger if it was written in the aftermath of Trump, or at least when the Russia investigations (which take up about half the book as-is) are completed. Narratively, it's …

Review of 'Scala Design Patterns Patterns For Practical Reuse And Design' on 'GoodReads'

2 stars

I found this book kind of a struggle to get through. It didn't read like a lot of other patterns books, in which it often feels like an expert is presenting patterns and you sort of wonder if the authors are the people who designed or came up with the patterns, but more like a nonexpert that is trying to catalogue patterns they are seeing for their own notetaking purposes. It feels kind of like a student Literature Review paper in a way, nothing ever really coalesces into a coherent educational book. It's hard to explain I guess, but suffice it to say that this book didn't really "work" for me.

It's got many issues throughout, a handful of grammatical mistakes, and technical issues ranging from misleading or confusing to outright incorrect. The example code is often a bit too short, it never really "illustrates" the point of a particular …

Review of 'Scala High Performance Programming' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

This book contains a lot of great information for Scala programmers, but it's kind of buried in a frustrating reading experience.

A lot of what you'll learn in this book is that many of the ways you use Scala normally are slow, I particularly enjoyed learning how Option, something I take completely for granted but has the potential to hurt performance in critical areas. It's not just a complaint either, the author basically offers an alternative Option implementation that doesn't suffer from this (and also, isn't as expressive, and is basically Java). There are also some great sections about Free Monads and an absolutely fantastic coverage of the differences between Scala collection types and performance. It's a lot deeper than you might think, it's not just "oh this one is O(n) and this one is O(logn)", it's extremely detailed and informative.

The main issues I have with the book are …

Robert Cecil Martin: Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design (2017, Pearson Education Asia) 4 stars

Review of "Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design" on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

I really liked this book but also was a bit disappointed by it. I'm a huge fan of Robert Martin's work, I've read his previous books and I love Clean Code and The Clean Coder. Based on the title and artwork I had kind of assumed that this was just the next step of the Clean Trilogy, this time focusing on architectural concerns.

It is kind of that, but it's mostly not quite that. Really, this book is a lot of background information to understand the "meat" of the book, and the meat of the book is Martin presenting his Clean Architecture pattern, which he proposed in 2012 and has been presenting and training a lot on:

In that way, this book feels much more specific than Clean Code or The Clean Coder. While those two books are general advice for software professionals, this comes off more as an …

Michael T. Nygard: Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software (2018, Pragmatic Bookshelf) 5 stars

Review of 'Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

This remains one of the most important books software engineers can read. The second edition is even better than the first, updated to fix a lot of the "outdated" criticisms the first book gets, incorporating the modern DevOps movement, microservices, and modern technologies used in software engineering.

I really just can't say enough about this book. It's required reading. If you're responsible for code that runs on networked production systems, failing to read this book should be a fireable offense. Skipping "Release It!" is professional negligence. Stop what you're doing and read this before shipping another line of code.

Release It! is all about how to build cynical software, and once you start down that path you find that you can no longer think any other way. This book changes you and your career, it's just phenomenal. Even if you think you know everything in it because the patterns and …

Review of 'Testing In Scala' on 'GoodReads'

2 stars

I've been working with Scala for around 6 years now, and finally left the job where I learned it for another job also using Scala. I'm a huge fan of unit testing and test-driven development, but at my previous gig we all used a scala testing framework and mocking framework developed in-house, meaning 100% of my scala testing experience was with something that I'd be unable to transfer to the new job. Testing in Scala seemed like the perfect book to round out this missing skillset for me.

Unfortunately, the book is fairly disappointing. Frankly, it contains no more information than reading the tutorials and documentation for ScalaTest, Specs2, and ScalaCheck. In fact, I think the book contains LESS information than those tutorials and user guides, it only barely covered writing custom matchers and left out a lot of more advanced material.

I guess I expect a bit more from …

Donald A. Norman: The design of everyday things (2002, Basic Books) 4 stars

The Design of Everyday Things is a best-selling book by cognitive scientist and usability engineer …

Review of 'The design of everyday things' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

Whenever programmers ask other programmers for book suggestions, there's always some smartass that says something like "The Art of War" because of blah blah blah about corporate politics. Hoo boy you're clever, you suggested a non-programming book, way to not play by the rules. You really march to the beat of your own drum there, slick.

Similarly, I constantly see "The Design of Everyday Things" suggested in these kinds of conversations. I think it's supposed to give engineers great insights into design and how humans interact with objects around them. This is supposed to change our outlook for the software we build for people.

Well, I don't think it did that at all. Really, the only thing to take away in that regard is "think about how people use your software". In other words, I think a great many UX-centered books are vastly superior in this regard.

That's not to …

reviewed Your first thirty days by Elwood N. Chapman (A Fifty-Minute series book)

Review of 'Your first thirty days' on 'GoodReads'

2 stars

I'm starting a new job soon, decided I'd give this a read. It's short and sweet, easy to get through in a single sitting.

The book definitely seems outdated, even antiquated in many ways. Some of the advice feels like something you'd hear 20 or 30 years ago. I especially like all the attention to cleanliness and well-manicured fingernails, that feels super relevant in a world where my coworkers have sleeve tattoos and 5-inch ear gauges.

The book also suffers from broadness. It's meant to apply to any new job, blue collar, white collar, office, bagging groceries, whatever. In that way, it often felt too broad to be terribly useful. A lot of the advice is about dealing with your manager, getting help, asking for guidance and evaluation from them, etc. I can see this being useful if you're the newest waiter at a restaurant or something, but as a …

Review of 'SOA patterns' on 'GoodReads'

2 stars

This is a weird book. When you're reading it, it almost seems like it's some kind of ancient tech book, like something from the 80's, where people were just figuring out how to build software and patterns were first starting to emerge. Kind of like when you read The Mythical Man Month or The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, it's talking about things you recognize but using terminology that has since been replaced, so it serves as something of a strange time capsule from when it was written.

Except, this book came out in 2012. 4 measly years ago. When you read it, it constantly refers to things that you're likely to have seen if you've done any service-oriented development at all, but it takes you a minute to realize the book is discussing something you already know because it's using terminology you don't. For example, the second pattern, …