Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House

, #1

Hardcover, 336 pages

English language

Published Sept. 4, 2018 by Henry Holt & Company.

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3 stars (59 reviews)

A 2018 book by Michael Wolff, detailing the behavior (and hatred) of U.S. President Donald Trump, the staff of his 2016 presidential campaign, and the White House staff.

3 editions

Review of 'Fire And Fury' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

The day I finished this book, I opened up my computer and saw that Hope Hicks, a "character" who is central to a good portion of this book, resigned. The day before, Jared Kushner - who is mentioned on nearly every page - had his security level downgraded. The Mueller investigation is still ongoing, and the future of Trump's presidency is very uncertain.

The reason I mention all of this is that the fundamental issue with the book is that, frankly, it was written too early. It's the first section of a nonexistent book called "The Downfall of the Trump White House." It feels incomplete, like the book ends when stuff is just getting warmed up, and the book would be stronger if it was written in the aftermath of Trump, or at least when the Russia investigations (which take up about half the book as-is) are completed. Narratively, it's …

Review of 'Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

This book reads very much like a book-length newspaper article. For one thing, it's very timely: just three weeks after its publication, it has already started to disappear under a tide of new Trump-related news. By April, it will likely be hopelessly archaic, of interest only to Trump historians.
Secondly, Wolff collects information gathered from various sources. The result reads like a newspaper series, one too long and dense to fit in a single issue.
And finally, this book is what Wikipedia would call original research: Wolff has, apparently, collected information from some large number of interviews, and this book represents his attempt to organize them into some sort of coherent narrative.

On one hand, it's unfortunate that Wolff doesn't name his sources, or cite them in a way that allows us to check his facts. I hope that information will come to light in the future that either corroborates …

Review of 'Fire And Fury' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Well, friends, I tried. I got about 35 pages in and couldn't keep reading. It's not a dig at Wolff, it's the fact that Trump is always orbiting inside my brain. The news is inescapable. I don't like reading this book and feeling unsurprised/ nothing at all except for embarrassment. Maybe I'll pick this back up again in a year, maybe in ten years, but for now it feels like salt in the wound to read about a cabinet that's falling apart faster than anyone can write about it.

Review of 'Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I'm a pretty active on Twitter (@AdrianAlvarez) and I follow the news and its analysis rather closely, so this book was interesting for me as a sort of behind the scenes of the most exhausting season of America I've ever experienced. Last year, it was hard to determine which of Trump's actions were a) born of a nefarious entity outside of the United States, b) born of a fully articulated worldview that hadn't been conveyed on the election trail but which belonged to Trump, and c) were born merely as chaotic byproducts of an inept shit show. If Wolff is to be believed, much of what we all went through last year belonged to the last category, and much of the dangerously articulated thinking was not from a nefarious outside government but from the wretched, apocalyptic mind of Bannon. I'm not convinced by his premise that Trump is too stupid …

Review of 'Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Audio book version of this is recommended, as apparently the text version does contain grammar and even spelling errors that may be annoying. I picked this up on Audible and it's a fascinating and horrifying portrait of just how far the White House and the GOP have descended into chaos and incompetence in the service of self-interest. While it's generally agreed that Wolff has exaggerated and embellished a few points, there is SO MUCH detail here (and much of it he does have on tape) that the overall picture it paints still seems clear and believable.

Watching the Trump administration from the outside, it's been hard at times to determine if there's some bigger strategy at work, some conspiracy to subvert what remains of democracy into a full oligarchy, some deliberate attempt to undermine the institutions of the USA. What this book does very well is illustrate that there really …

Review of 'Fire And Fury' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This book is really popular these days, so I bit. I got it and read it and it is exactly what you expect. A behind the scenes expose of the most incompetent lunatic to ever be elected president of any nation. Trump is obtuse, uncurious, uninteresting and egomaniacal. All he craves is love and adoration from everyone around him yet he offers nothing back. That much is not surprising.
Everyone around him believes him to be an idiot and barely tolerates him. His staff sees their ultimate mission to contain them and protect him from his own stupidity. They manage to do this sometimes, but not very often. This is also not a surprise at all.
How much of what is written int he book true? There's no way to tell, as far as I can see. But the fact that it is plausible says a lot of the shambles …

Review of 'Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

For me, there weren't any real revelations in here. I've always been of the opinion that he is too stupid for public office. I've never been able to take the leap of faith that makes some people think that he is some kind of master manipulator who just wants you to think that he's stupid. This book confirms what I previously thought.

It was sort of helpful to read this to help get a sense of the timeline. There have been so many bad actors in this story already that you find yourself getting them confused. Reading this book helped set me straight a few times when I found I was confusing who was who.

I was disappointed that there wasn't any coverage of the effects of protests. There was no mention of the Women's March. No mention of response to the airport protests and apparently the repeal of the …

Review of 'Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Fire and Fury is both a fascinating and a frustrating read. The sources did not go fully on record in most cases, and the few who did are habitual liars. It's difficult to know how much of the gossip and sour grapes in the book come from actual events that truly happened or not. Wolff tells it like they said it with little editorializing and absolutely no fact-checking. You could really fall down a rabbit hole trying to figure out how many of the stories are based on real events. The run-on sentences and grammatical errors also get in the way at times.

That being said, there's a fly on the wall kind of guilty pleasure to reading the book no matter where you are on the political spectrum. There are enough factions represented that you're likely to find some stories praising your friends and roasting your enemies if you …

Review of 'Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Other than a few typos, which I found a bit distracting, this was a sobering look at what many of us feared was going on in the White House. Told in a quite matter of fact way that did not seem to be going for shock value or sensationalism made it all the more believable. Combined with quotes from those he interviewed are the author's own impressions. If given a choice to believe a president who has lied every single day about easily fact checked events, and an author who was seen with a visitor pass on a nearly constant basis by white house reporters, I am more inclined to believe the author than a president who claims he wasn't there. There are a few descriptions of events that have been disputed as inaccurate but I don't think an honest mistake here and there (such as similar names being confused) …

Review of 'Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Even though there's nothing here we don't know already, listening to it all laid out in one continuous story compounds the insanity of each fact that has leaked out over the past two years, and the whole winds up being larger than the sum of its parts. It's also a reminder of how many characters have been packed into (and subsequently ejected from) the clown-car-heading-toward-a-cliff that is the Tr*mp white house, all in such a short period of time. The tone is gossipy and entertaining, such that you almost forget we're all watching Nero fiddle while Rome burns. I paid $24.99 for the audiobook rather than waiting for a library copy because I enjoyed the schadenfreude of adding my dollars to the no-doubt staggering sales figure for this book, one which will hopefully help bring on a fatal aneurysm for The Orange One. Whether you find it hilarious or depressing, …

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  • Donald Trump