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I wish I read more fiction

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This was in the citations in Native Nations — with all the doomerism out there and so many people from all different walks of life around me asking, seemingly sincerely, whether we are in the process of American collapse… seems like an important read.

Alejo Carpentier: The Kingdom of This World (2006, Farrar, Straus and Giroux) 3 stars

Some members of the book club didn’t love LeGuin’s The Dispossessed… which as a white-anarchist-in-recovery was hard for me to empathize with. Then we talked it out (as in, the whole purpose of the book club!) and it turns out the Eurocentrism and technocratic aspects of it were the sticking points. THAT I can empathize with! (Though I still loved the book overall…)

I’m thinking I might propose this and/or Butler’s Parable of the Sower as afrofuturist/magical-realist alternative texts that explore creation of new and more-just world by characters rooted in communities. Unless I’ve got these two books wrong?? Please say so if you see me making some kinda error so I don’t misdirect my book club friends!

Robert Coles: The moral intelligence of children (1997) No rating

So I’m starting my class on peace, conflict, non-violence, and war next week. I went back to I’d Rather Teach Peace ( ) to see what I could draw, and this book was listed in the “Further Reading” section.

I’m not gonna read the whole thing, and the parts I am reading almost demand a side-by-side reading of Fanon to keep from getting sucked into the ironically a-moral outlook on political economy and imperialism… but there are undoubtedly some useful bits in here.

Kathleen DuVal: Native Nations (2024, Random House, Incorporated) 4 stars

Future historians may call the early-twenty-first-century United States a golden age, pointing to extraordinary wealth, cures and illness preventions never before possible, overdue reckonings with past injustice, unprecedented diversity of foods for billions of people, and amazing technologies (85 percent of Americans owned a handheld supercomputer!). Or they may describe our era the way a book on the Huhugam entitled “Centuries of Decline” categorizes the late decades of that civilization: a time of "overpopulation, environmental degradation, resource shortages, poor health, social fragmentation, diffuse and ineffective leadership and a struggle to cope." I hope future historians will understand that both versions have their truth.

Native Nations by  (Page 70)

Holy shit. This seems important right now.

Chapter 2 in general is really significant… people making the conscious decision to de-centralize, de-urbanize, and create culture, politics, and economics of freedom…