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Joined 1 year, 11 months ago

Yogi all day, reader all night. Mostly.

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Freddy F Fonseca: Heart Of Swine (EBook, Obex Publishing) 4 stars

The last swine left on Earth, Captain Grunter, is on a quest for justice.

With …

Inspired surrealism

4 stars

I was drawn to read Heart Of Swine by its brilliant cover design which evokes the graphics of Animal Farm by George Orwell with a titular nod to Heart Of A Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov, both of which rank highly amongst my favourite classics. Heart Of Swine is a brilliantly surreal tale, often nonsensical but with stark truths about how we live and especially about how easily fashionable trends can persuade vast swathes of the population to act against their best interests. While several aspects of the story did remain frustratingly unexplained - and were possibly just inexplicable - the whole concept does make a dark, warped sense. It's certainly a cautionary tale for our times.

Vegan truisms had me chuckling and I loved the whole London vibe that permeates Heart Of Swine. I found it best to go with the flow in reading this book. Overthinking individual aspects only …

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Sunny Weber: Beyond Flight Or Fight (Paperback, Pups And Purrs Press) 5 stars

Is your dog afraid of noises, objects, or you? Whether you have taken a fearful …

A fascinating, in depth exploration

5 stars

Beyond Flight or Fight is a fascinating, in depth exploration into the psychology of rehabilitating fearful and traumatised dogs so that they can have a happy future in our human dominated environment. Sunny Weber has immense experience and understanding in this field and her expertise really does shine through every page. Beyond Flight or Fight is not a step by step instruction manual, but rather an invitation for us to understand how our own behaviours can influence the dogs in our care - for better or for worse. I was especially interested in the sections where Weber explains how exceptionally fluent most dogs are in interpreting our body language and that they will often give body language signals precedence over whatever verbal commands we make. As humans on the whole have lost much of our ability to communicate non-verbally, it's no wonder our dogs get confused when we send conflicting …

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Jobie Baldwin: Ink (Paperback, 2018, Independent Publishing Network) 3 stars

A powerful god, a magical tattoo and a rebellious teenager. What could possibly go wrong?Christian, …

A fun adventure

3 stars

I first discovered Ink through taking part in an Xpresso Reads spotlight blog tour a couple of years ago. I loved the tattoo art cover design, but wasn't sure how much I would enjoy the book's fantasy genre so didn't read more than the excerpt above. When recently trawling my past Literary Flits posts for books for this vegan blog, I realised that Jobie Baldwin is herself vegan and this prompted me to give Ink a try. I'm so glad I did! The story is a fun adventure story where an incongruous band of young peope are brought together to save Earth from Settler aliens who have their own ideas on how the planet should best be saved. Individually selected by ancient Rune Gods, each of our intrepid heroes learns how to meld and focus their powers - except for our narrator, Christian, who just can't seem to stop blowing …