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sechstelgeviert's books

Currently Reading

James Bridle: Ways of Being (2022, Farrar, Straus & Giroux) 4 stars

What does it mean to be intelligent? Is it something unique to humans, or shared …

Reading the book feels like a child taking you by the hand to drag you to all of the awe-inspiring things they found in the garden this afternoon

4 stars

It contains so many interesting anecdotes about and insights into the world around us from vastly different perspectives that I'm sure I'll flip it open every once in a while, just to read up on how exactly that experiment with the fern that was able to hear was set up again…

I'm not sure how many of the details will stick, and at times the points were made as stories more than with stringent logic, but it's an inspiring book nonetheless that more than once made me feel deeply entangled with the world around me, and excited about taking the insight seriously.