Osa Atoe reviewed The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto
Feel-good pseudoscience
3 stars
Reading this book as a perspective on spirituality and environmentalism is probably more important than reading it for scientifically proven facts. It's clear that Emoto's research findings are colored with subjectivity. For instance, claims that water exposed to classical music create more beautiful crystals than water exposed to heavy metal betray the author's own biases. However, none of this takes away from the spiritual messaging of this book, which perfectly coincides with so many other spiritual doctrines: that consciousness creates reality, that love and gratitude are the most essential and revolutionary spiritual values.
Emoto is basically using his research on water crystallization as the standpoint from which to draw spiritual realizations, which mirror universal spiritual tenets. It's a quick and beautiful read and his photos of water crystals are fascinating and exquisite. The strength of this book is that it ties spiritual beliefs to something tangible and ubiquitous. Also, the idea that water has memory is an idea that has been explored in peer-reviewed scientific research and is considered credible by many, so it's not that all of Emoto's ideas are pseudo-scientific. Furthermore, an idea does not have to be scientifically credible to be valuable and useful.