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I'm mostly a sci-fi reader, preferring happy feelgood stories, and competency porn, but reading a lot of different stuff makes me happy :)

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83% complete! sotolf has read 10 of 12 books.

Sharon Lee, Steve Miller: Scout's Progress (2002, Ace) 4 stars

Aelliana Caylon is a brilliant mathematician, but is convinced by her brother she has no …

Really enjoyed this one

5 stars

I really enjoyed this book, it's pretty slow, follows some really nice people that are working together and going through things. And some romance in there. One of my favourites of the series so far.

Sharon Lee, Steve Miller: Scout's Progress (2002, Ace) 4 stars

Aelliana Caylon is a brilliant mathematician, but is convinced by her brother she has no …

It took me a bit to get into this one, but around the 20% mark I got absolutely sucked in, and I'm really enjoying it, one of the ones in the series that I've liked the most so far :)

Nathan Hystad: The Ancients (2018, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 4 stars

The threat of invaders is gone, and Earth has been bartered away as a price …

Okay adventure with a cliché ending

3 stars

Yeah, this one was okay, it was kind of a fun adventure story, the ending was very cliché though, and maybe a bit too well telegraphed this time around, it also just didn't feel as good as the others in the series, I hope the next one does it better.

Sharon Lee, Steve Miller: Local Custom (2002, Ace) 3 stars

Master trader Er Thom knows the local custom of Liaden is to be matched with …

Decent story, with a disliked trope

4 stars

The story was pretty good, and I enjoyed most parts of it, not a big fan of the "Evil meddling mother in law" trope, it just brings me nothing, I know they will be together in the end. I liked the other parts of the story, this one is more of a love story than sci-fi, still good, but leaning maybe a bit more in that direction than what I wanted, especially since it leant towards actually doing an interesting linugistics kind of story.

Nathan Hystad: New World (Paperback, 2018, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform) 5 stars

After a surprise visit to Earth, Dean and his crew travel to Proxima Centauri, home …

Slowly getting better

4 stars

I'm starting to enjoy this series more and more, the pacing and everything in this one just felt better to me than in the previous ones, now I'm looking more forward to the next one than what I thought I would.

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Jonas Bals: Våre kamper (EBook, 2023, Res publica) No rating

Fascismen er tilbake som en politisk kraft, men det er også antifascismen. Hva var og …

Lærte mye om antifascisme i mellomkrigstida både i Norge og andre i hovedsak europeiske land. Det er en lang bok, men det er veldig dagsaktuelt stoff.

Sammen med Gerhardsen og Tranmæl er Hambro, som antagelig vies større plass enn dem begge, den store antifascistiske helten i denne framstillinga. I en periode virker han å være nærmest den eneste borgerlige stemmen som kjemper mot en borgerlig-fascistisk allianse. Jeg tipper Bals har hatt veldig lyst til at noen av dagens borgerlige politikere skulle plukke opp boka og ta til seg dette, men det kommer de jo ikke til å gjøre. Det finnes ingen Hambro som advarer mot å gå i allianse med ytre høyre i dag.