
reviewed Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh (The Company Wars, #1)

C.J. Cherryh: Downbelow Station (Paperback, 2001, DAW) 4 stars

A legend among sci-fi readers, C. J. Cherryh's Union-Alliance novels, while separate and complete in …

Great book with a slow start

4 stars

I did really enjoy this one a lot, the start was really slow, but not in a bad way, it just was slow, but then from the half way point on it was great, the book did a good job in building up characters that we care about so that the ending and the way there was a lot more impactful.

Also, for such an old book it felt very modern, with just some mentions of tape kind of showing it's age, but you can always kind of take that away as being some modern new thing as well, at least I can :p