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swannodette's books

Currently Reading

Mieko Kawakami: Breasts and Eggs (Hardcover, 2020, Picador) 4 stars

Challenging every preconception about storytelling and prose style, mixing wry humor and riveting emotional depth, …

10 out of 5 stars

5 stars

Easily one of the best books I have ever read. No previous description, or review could have prepared me for it. A lot of folks go on and on about the meta / societal aspects of the text. They are there, but they are not the point, and that certainly isn't what floored me. Come without preconceptions, let yourself bask in the language, the stories within stories.

Yasunari Kawabata: The Master of Go (1996, Vintage) 4 stars

Go is a game of strategy in which two players attempt to surround each other's …

A Masterpiece

5 stars

I'm avid Go player with a strong interest in the history of the game so there are many elements to the text that would likely be opaque to other readers. I've tried to get other friends into this one, with little success. But I think the insularity is intentional, I think Kawabata wanted to make something intensely Japanese - yet the reason I return this short book every few years is for its universality (I've read it three times). In the end, the book is about death, at the level of an individual but also at the level of society itself. I do think an adventurous reader can get something out of the text, but doing some research will definitely pay many rewards. For one, the book fictionalizes a real event that would have been well known to many Japanese readers - these deviations from reality are intentional and give …

reviewed The MANIAC by Benjamín Labatut

Benjamín Labatut: The MANIAC 5 stars

A prodigy whose gifts terrified the people around him, John von Neumann transformed every field …

Pretty Riveting

5 stars

A quick, riveting read. Wasn't very familiar with personal details of von Neumann's life. Some personalities like Nils Aall Barricelli (one of the first A-life researchers) I had completely missed before. There is an interesting break and leap into the AlphaGo bits, which are very well done. I think time will tell how coherent this connection is. A good one to revisit ten years from now.