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Neal Stephenson: Anathem (Paperback, 2014, HarperCollins) 4 stars

Anathem, the latest invention by the New York Times bestselling author of Cryptonomicon and The …

Favorite Stephenson

5 stars

Not as tightly written, plot wise, as Big U or Zodiac, but contains just enough Stephenson-style Cooperesque diversions to be "of a kind" like the Baroque Cycle or Cryptonimocon.

If you want to try reading a Stephenson-style move but don't want to dive into those longer times, you can't beat Anathem.

Neal Stephenson: Zodiac (Paperback, 1995, Spectra) 4 stars

Sangamon Taylor's a New Age Sam Spade who sports a wet suit instead of a …

Early favorite

5 stars

The main character is an asshole; I believe this was the authors' intent. I've read this book a half dozen times. It doesn't really reward you for a rereading (vs, say Asimov or Tolkien), but it's a dang fun way to burn an evening.

Iain M. Banks: The Algebraist (Paperback, 2005, Orbit) 4 stars

It is 4034 AD. Humanity has made it to the stars.

Seconded to a military-religious …

His best sci-fi novel

5 stars

If "Excession" is Banks' best Culture novel, I believe this book to be his best sci-fi. Clearly written at the height of Banks' writing prowess it is a unique, inventive exploration of an alien civilization. While not necessarily a unique spin on aliens, the book is well-pace, well-written and one I've enjoyed reading, repeatedly.

reviewed Excession by Iain M. Banks (Culture, #5)

Iain M. Banks: Excession (Paperback, 1997, Orbit) 4 stars

Two and a half millennia ago, the artifact appeared in a remote corner of space, …

Best Culture book

5 stars

I believe this to be the best book in Banks' Culture series. It has the core hallmarks of his other novels: great characters & strong prose; it also has the best use of Minds, the Excession, and an unusually well-paced plot. If you had to read one Culture novel, this is the one.