tiff rated The girl who fell from the sky: 2 stars

The girl who fell from the sky by Heidi W. Durrow
After a family tragedy orphans her, Rachel, the daughter of a Danish mother and a black G.I., moves into her …
Hey! I'm a forcibly retired dev and lover of books, games, ice cream, and all things cats.
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After a family tragedy orphans her, Rachel, the daughter of a Danish mother and a black G.I., moves into her …
"Ethically and morally, kids are works in progress. Throw in psychopathy and you've got a …
The first couple pages of this book went down smooth, like a good greek yogurt. There were good points all-around and I found myself nodding along in agreement with Kellerman, especially the parts about the dubiousness of “FBI Profiling”.
Then, Kellerman does a complete 180, with dated talking points on putting anyone who commits one crime away forever. The 11 and 13 year olds who committed mass murder with guns should be tossed in jail, do not pass go, even if they were literal children.
The three strike rule in California which disproportionally affects minorities and despite the claim it was supposed to put away only violent criminals such as rapists and murderers, that wasn’t the case when it was enacted.
I am not sure what kind of credentials Mr. Kellerman has to speak on psychopathy or law, but it is clear to me he isn’t qualified to speak …
The first couple pages of this book went down smooth, like a good greek yogurt. There were good points all-around and I found myself nodding along in agreement with Kellerman, especially the parts about the dubiousness of “FBI Profiling”.
Then, Kellerman does a complete 180, with dated talking points on putting anyone who commits one crime away forever. The 11 and 13 year olds who committed mass murder with guns should be tossed in jail, do not pass go, even if they were literal children.
The three strike rule in California which disproportionally affects minorities and despite the claim it was supposed to put away only violent criminals such as rapists and murderers, that wasn’t the case when it was enacted.
I am not sure what kind of credentials Mr. Kellerman has to speak on psychopathy or law, but it is clear to me he isn’t qualified to speak on either one.
Thinking that Kellerman was some sort of academic is a my bad when picking up this book without thinking critically about who wrote it and the angle he was coming from.
Kellerman writes crime novels that are just as easy to digest as this book, so if you’re looking for an easy read full of the copaganda you would expect from crime novels, read one of Kellerman’s novels. Pass on this one.
More on my blog : Savage Spawn Review
"Tech-guru Brian McCullough delivers a rollicking history of the internet, why it exploded, and how it changed everything. The internet …
Olsen has another winner in his account of the 1984 double murder of Texas lawyer James Campbell and his wife …
A book for people who hate the very idea of self-promotion, Show Your Work! is the followup to my New …
American Gods (2001) is a fantasy novel by British author Neil Gaiman. The novel is a blend of Americana, fantasy, …
You can find my review at Book Notes Blog
This book, although written in 2015, is outdated. By a lot.
Most everyone does these things. Backups, unique passwords. I don’t know who this book is for if I’m being honest.
As a programmer I read maybe 1/3 of this book and skimmed the rest.
Also as someone mentioned this is PC heavy. Most of these tasks I automate on my Mac with third party apps that, with my rules, will file, rename, move, tag, copy, sync, and delete files with specific parameters I set, for instance any photo in my downloads folder gets moved to my pictures folder. Any disk image in my downloads folder older than a week gets put in the Trash. When my trash is 2gb in size it is emptied automatically, etc.
These are the things we can do now. This book is for your grandma who doesn’t understand what technology is.
Edward Conard: The upside of inequality (2016)
Wall Street veteran Edward Conard argues that our current obsession with income inequality is misguided and will only slow growth …
Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years -- as well as interviews with more than …
This book is the definitive story of Amazon.com, one of the most successful companies in the world, and of its …
The compelling, inspiring, and comically sublime New York Times bestseller about one man’s coming-of-age, set during the twilight of apartheid …