Peter Singer: The life you can save (2009, Random House) 4 stars

This is the right time to ask yourself: "What should I be doing to help?"For …

Review of 'The life you can save' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I listened to audiobook for the 10th anniversary edition, which was recently published and is available for free on Each chapter is read by a different celebrity.

I had to pause the audiobook multiple times to think about the arguments I'd just read and consider how they made me feel and what they made me think. I nearly cried more than once while reading this book due to being moved by acts of generosity in it.

This will likely be the most impactful book I've read/listened to in quite a while and will read for a while. I'm not yet sure the extent to which this book will influence my actions, but I have some ideas for what I'll be doing next and how I might adjust the resources I commit to giving. I'm feeling very inspired.

Please read this book and consider what is within it.