Cormac McCarthy, Cormac McCarthy: Stella Maris (2022, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group) 4 stars

a brilliant complement to The Passenger

5 stars

Literary and very cerebral and 100% dialogue. A brilliant complementary novel to The Passenger that explores genius and the big questions of life, meaning, and purpose. The real genius here is McCarthy. A story only this author could pull off.

UPDATE: I can't stop thinking about this book. I changed my review from 4.0 to 4.75. it may be a 5-star review in another month of musing. It is just so good.

Quote from this Nation article... Billed at once as the culminating pinnacle of McCarthy’s career and an unexpected departure from his earlier work, The Passenger and Stella Maris are sibling novels about incest, mourning, mathematics, salvage diving, schizophrenia, New Orleans, theoretical physics, Knoxville, the invention of nuclear weapons, car racing, suicide, vaudeville theater, the weight of history, the sins of the father, psychiatry, the crisis of the European sciences, and the moral decline of the West. At once intricate and beautiful, challenging and moving [...]