
reviewed Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie (Hercule Poirot, #19)

Agatha Christie: Appointment with Death (2001, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd) 4 stars

AgathaChristie set this book in Jerusalem. An English family headed by a bullying overbearing mother …

Review of 'Appointment with Death (Hercule Poirot)' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

I'm a little mixed on this one, there's not as much Poirot as I'd like, he's mainly relegated to the back half. At points I got a bit bored during the setup, but once the trip to Petra hits I was all in.

Mostly I was annoyed by the psychologist making snap diagnoses. But

What I do like is the fact that the family members love each other so they don't want to see any of the family go to jail and it makes for a much more confusing case for Poirot to unravel.

And yes, I got the murderer wrong on this one until it was all but spelled out.