
" Nancy Atherton's seventeenth cozy mystery featuring the beloved Aunt Dimity-the original paranormal detective When …

Review of 'Aunt Dimity and the village witch' on 'GoodReads'

2 stars

I'm jumping into this series at this point, so my review might not be entirely fair. The gimmick of Aunt Dimity at first seems clever, but at least here, doesn't add much to the story.

The story mostly revolves around a treasure hunt and I'm not sure that's quite what I was after. It does allow the author to get into the weeds of the history of the village, which I'm sure would be good for readers that have been following the series.

Felt that characters were brought in and then fell to the side. They also didn't feel very fleshed out, though that might be as a result of being deep into a series where your supposed to know what they are like anyway.

It's not for me, but maybe it's for you?