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vesto Locked account

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vesto's books

reviewed White noise by Don DeLillo

Don DeLillo: White noise (Paperback, 2002, Picador) 4 stars

White Noise is the eighth novel by Don DeLillo, published by Viking Press in 1985. …

Absurd and bizarre in a highly entertaining way

5 stars

When one of my friends recommended this book, he told me "you don't really read it for any plot; moreso the vibes." I second his advice: approach this book with a mind open to absurdity and humor. You might like where it takes you. Being a New Yorker, one quote in particular that I thoroughly enjoyed was:

The art of getting ahead in New York was based on learning how to express dissatisfaction in an interesting way.

All too real.

Overall would highly recommend.

Rekka Bellum, Devine Lu Linvega: Busy Doing Nothing (EBook) 5 stars

We are artist and sailors, and have been living, and working from our sailboat since …

Fun, interesting, and tasty

5 stars

Couldn't recommend this book enough. I really enjoy the philosophy of the rabbits, and this book was a very fun way to see how they live, think and generally execute on their desire to live minimally while still accomplishing something as incredible as crossing an ocean with a small sailboat. I also loved the small gems nestled away within the descriptions of their travel: tasty vegan recipes, great book recommendations, tips of how to use technology in a more resilient/longer-lasting way, and much more.