@tanaisie@wyrms.de I love anything that is related to apprenticeship or boarding school, get's me excité lol
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@dagat on goodreads, since I couldn't import all book reviews from there
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Coco reviewed A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin (The Earthsea Cycle, #1)
Coco started reading A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin (The Earthsea Cycle, #1)
Coco reviewed Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
5 stars
So thrilling, smart, witty, tender, erotic while being uneasily and spooky. Such an enjoyable reading! My favourite chapter surely has to be the detective story.
Coco reviewed Ein simpler Eingriff by Yael Inokai
Einfach krank, Schwesta
Soooo guuut ganze theme hat iwie gestimmt. Hat so Internat-Vibes, aber mit erwachsenen Krankenschwestern in 70er AU. Manche von denen sind bisschen wütender als andere, mehr sag ich nicht hihi
Content warning First Chapter, Thoughts on general theme, no direct spoiler
I noticed I tend to be more focused and go faster through books when they contain gay sluttery lol
Coco reviewed Changer by Édouard Louis
Anleitung ein anderer zu werden
4 stars
Content warning First Chapter, Thoughts on general theme, no direct spoiler
Really like biographies/ stories about working class upbringing and class mobility and this book made me want to read Louis' previous books and many more books in this genre! I read the german translation and enjoyed most of the book and could relate to a lot. Narration is very straight forward and less ''poetic'' or whatever which I don’t mind at all. Although it felt sometimes like ''just'' recounting his stepping stones towards the middle class. I find it also quite funny thinking how meta his relationship to Eribon and his autobiography is while reading his own autobiographical text. Though I enjoyed the narration of the authors life, I was a bit irritated how he opened this book with the 1st chapter. In general I wished he took more time reflecting and looking back more critically with his sexual encounters, because I'm genuinely interested what his thoughts are since I relate to his position a little bit and would do more justice to the first chapter. It’s like he couldn’t really decide what the author should focus on, his social advancement or his bodycount lol (which closely connected to be fair). Hopefully his previous books offer what I was missing in this rather short book. :-)
Coco wants to read En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule by Édouard Louis
Coco wants to read Qui a tué mon père by Edouard Louis
Qui a tué mon père by Édouard Louis, Edouard Louis
Who Killed My Father (French: Qui a tué mon père) is a 2018 book by French writer Édouard Louis. It …
Coco wants to read Who Killed My Father by Edouard Louis
Coco set a goal to read 12 books in 2023
Coco wants to read La parabole des talents by Octavia-E Butler
La parabole des talents by Octavia-E Butler
Californie 2032. La fille de Lauren, Asha, créatrice de jeux virtuels, découvre le journal dans lequel Lauren a posé les …
The Swarm by Frank Schätzing
For more than two years, one book has taken over Germany's hardcover and paperback bestseller lists, reaching number one in …
Coco rated Kafka/the Trial: 4 stars
Coco rated Ein simpler Eingriff: 5 stars
Ein simpler Eingriff by Yael Inokai
Meret ist Krankenschwester. Die Klinik ist ihr Zuhause, ihre Uniform trägt sie mit Stolz, schließlich kennt die Menschen in ihrem …