Brandon Sanderson: Defiant (Hardcover, 2023, Delacorte Press) 5 stars

Spensa made it out of the Nowhere, but what she saw in the space between …


3 stars

Defiant is the final fourth book of Brandon Sanderson's Skyward YA series.

Things I Enjoyed: * brought the series back around full circle to moments from book one * superb Gran-Gran moments * maybe the real friends were the hyperslugs we met along the way

This book was ~ok for me, but the pacing here didn't quite work for me; this is a character-driven series and so the focus on Spensa's emotional journey makes sense, but plot-wise the final book involves an incursion or two by the main squad, some [spoiler] with Spensa, and then we're right at the last[*] battle to wrap up the Superiority and the Delvers all in one. It's all just tied up a little too quickly for a four book series.

If I had to rate the series, the first book was a lot of fun, the second book brought in larger worldbuilding that I …