J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2016, Bloomsbury Children's Books) 4 stars

One summer night, when Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive to collect Harry Potter, his wand …

A lot of inconsequential events.

1 star

Yet another book that just continues providing evidence for Snape being the absolute worst teacher and the whiniest, most entitled little snot ever. I can't like him, even if Rowling wants the audience to.

We finally see the rectification of what should've been done, proving that Harry has earned the right to know more about... his future (instead of having people "protecting" him from it, which actually endangers him -- odd that any person who claims education is important would think a lack of knowledge would enable someone to be safe and prepared, but I digress)

One of the few things I actually enjoy in this one is Snape's potions book coming out (and, by the way, showing he was a bit of a douchebag via Harry's use of it), but I feel like it would've been more powerful if there'd been a better way of learning that it was his book. And I would've liked a better narrative of hinting that it was him. since it was a bit obvious that it'd be one of the Not-So-Nice half-blood Slytherins of old.