MJR_Librarian reviewed Five little pigs by Agatha Christie
A solid Poirot mystery.
4 stars
An excellent mystery told in a really unique fashion.
Hardcover, 215 pages
Spanish language
Published March 14, 2010 by RBA Coleccionables, S.A..
Una joven acude a HerculeS Poirot en busca de ayuda. Su padre, Amyas Crale, un famoso pintor, fue envenenado hace muchos años, y su madre, juzgada y condenada por este crimen, murió en la cárcel. La muchacha fue enviada entonces a Canadá con unos parientes, quienes la educaron y cambiaron el nombre.
An excellent mystery told in a really unique fashion.
Agatha Christie is truly the master of suspense, and Hercule Poirot stands with Sherlock Holmes and Perry Mason as the finest detectives of fiction. In this book, Poirot is tasked with solving a crime that occurred 16 years ago, when Caroline Crale murdered her husband Amyas Crale - only, their daughter does not believe her mother did it. Now she wants Poirot to use his considerable skills to exonerate her mother's name.